Various - Polish Collection Of The Warsaw Autumn


Review by Activation Key

The album Polish Collection Of The Warsaw Autumn by Various is a must-have for any classical music enthusiast. This compilation features some of the most outstanding works of contemporary Polish composers, performed by some of the world's most renowned orchestras and conductors.

The album opens with the hauntingly beautiful piece "Amen" by Wojciech Kilar, performed by the National Polish Radio Symphony Orchestra. The listener is then transported to the surreal soundscape of Krzysztof Penderecki's "Threnody for the Victims of Hiroshima," which is a masterpiece of avant-garde music.

The album also features works by lesser-known composers such as Henryk Mikolaj Gorecki, whose "Symphony No. 3" is a hauntingly beautiful piece that is both introspective and deeply emotional. The album ends with the powerful "St. Luke Passion" by Penderecki, a work that is a testament to the composer's genius.

Download Various - Polish Collection Of The Warsaw Autumn
Artist: Various
Album: Polish Collection Of The Warsaw Autumn

Table of Contents


Filename: various-polish-collection-of-the-warsaw-autumn.rar
  • MP3 size: 678.9 mb
  • FLAC size: 4371 mb


Gloria 8:40
Slapstick 16:29
La Novella D'inverno 9:31
Aus Aller Welt Stammende - II3:34
Fantazja Polimorficzna | Polymorphic Fantasy 13:27
Mala Symfonia: Scultura | Little Symphony: Scultura - I1:38
Fireballs 13:47
Musica Domestica 14:47
Adagio 9:20
Ad Naan 6:34
Aus Aller Welt Stammende - III3:02
Aforyzmy 9 | Aphorisms 9 5:27
Equilibre 24:27
Cztery Dialogi Na Obój Orkiestrę | Four Dialogues For Oboe And Chamber Orchestra - Allegro Moderato2:25
Miraculeo 8:48
A Few Pictures 10:44
Muzyka Na Trzy Akordeony, Harmonijkę Ustną I Perkusję | Music For Three Accordions, Harmonica And Percussion 13:57
Trzy Pieśni | Three Songs - Ité4:31
Mala Symfonia: Scultura | Little Symphony: Scultura - IV2:22
Trzy Pieśni | Three Songs - Strings In The Earth3:05
Psalm XII 10:18
Gry Weneckie | Jeux Vénitiens (New Version, 1961) - I3:19
Les Sons 10:28
Toccata Sospesa 9:55
Anenaiki 14:40
Divertimendo - Canzonetta Notturna3:12
Pordóż II | Voyage II 14:01
Epitafium Katyńskie | Katyn Epitaph 7:02
Corale, Interludio E Aria - Aria6:51
Apostrofa | Apostrophe 8:50
Monada 37:38
Ballada Dziadowska | Beggar Ballad 14:08
Góry | Mountains (1979-1980)15:11
Mala Symfonia: Scultura | Little Symphony: Scultura - V1:08
Riiff 62 7:23
Cztery Dialogi Na Obój Orkiestrę | Four Dialogues For Oboe And Chamber Orchestra - Moderato2:59
Corale, Interludio E Aria - Interludio1:09
Antyfony | Antiphons - III4:19
Holzwege - Drogi Donikąd | Holzwege - Roads To Nowhere 6:38
Expandata 6:54
Like Breathing 13:02
Kawałki Światła | Pieces Of Light 9:18
Fin De Siècle 15:15
Musyka Kreowana Nr 3 - In Memoriam Tomasz Sikorski | Creative Music No. 3 - In Memoriam Tomasz Sikorski 12:18
Mala Symfonia: Scultura | Little Symphony: Scultura - III1:32
Divertimendo - Pezze Gioioso3:44
Bis*Joke 7:00
Robak Zbodywca | The Conqueror Worm 13:15
Danse Vive 3:34
Scontri Per Orchestra Op. 17 15:55
Audycja I | Broadcast I 11:31
Campana 5:32
Solilokwium I - Umysł Wrzący | Soliloquium I - Boiling-Hot Mind 10:13
Intonazioni I 6:32
Eine Kleine Herbstmusik 11:09
Divertimendo - Pezzo Finale3:45
Partita - II4:20
Cztery Dialogi Na Obój Orkiestrę | Four Dialogues For Oboe And Chamber Orchestra - Andante Non Troppo2:21
Soundscape One 13:28
Partita - I4:11
Mala Symfonia: Scultura | Little Symphony: Scultura - II4:27
En Blanc Et Noir 11:09
Pensieri Notturni 6:09
Trzy Pieśni | Three Songs - Night1:32
Aus Aller Welt Stammende - IV3:34
Gry Weneckie | Jeux Vénitiens (New Version, 1961) - III3:08
Passacaglia Per Organo 10:23
Girare 13:18
Antyfony | Antiphons - II4:52
Db-Hz-Sek 3:08
Kanon / Canon 8:38
Muzyczka Na Koniec Wieku | Music For The End Of The Century 15:13
Harmonium 10:36
Kwintet Fortepianowy | Piano Quintet 11:28
Zakopane Liryki 12:18
Impromptu Fantasque 11:04
Figury W Oplocie | Frayed Figures 16:19
Cztery Dialogi Na Obój Orkiestrę | Four Dialogues For Oboe And Chamber Orchestra - Adagio Calmatissimo2:37
Wiegenlied 18:25
Mother Nature 5:02
Gry Weneckie | Jeux Vénitiens (New Version, 1961) - IV4:38
Interialcell 6:52
Divertimendo - Sinfonia2:24
Corale, Interludio E Aria - Corale6:38
Antyfony | Antiphons - I4:32
Isn't It? 12:41
Aela 10:44
Duo Per Organo E Pianoforte (1978-79)8:54
Bitwa - Fragment Muzyki Do Pantomimy "Maraton" | The Battle - Fragment Of Music For The Pantomime "Marathon" 3:40
A Walking Shadow 10:06
Rapsod II | Rhapsody II 13:47
Aus Aller Welt Stammende - I3:38
Gry Weneckie | Jeux Vénitiens (New Version, 1961) - II1:34


Witold Lutosławski: Jeux vénitiens
Włodzimierz Kotoński - Aela
Wojciech Kilar - Riff 62
Krzysztof Penderecki: Kanon (1962)


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  • 10 × CD
  • Compilation
  • Promo


  • 10 CDs in jewel cases in a cardboard slipcover and a 180-page booklet.
  • "This collection was made possible by a grant from the Polish Ministry of Culture, within the framework of the "Media With Culture" Project"
  • "Not for sale
  • for promotion, education and scientific research only"

Summary by Activation Key

the album Polish Collection Of The Warsaw Autumn by Various is a fantastic collection of contemporary Polish music that showcases the country's rich cultural heritage. The performances are outstanding, and the compositions are both challenging and rewarding. This album is a must-have for any classical music lover.


Thank you for sharing! ^_^
great uploads, great music, thank you!
Nie rozumiem co ten utwór ma wspólnego z riffem oprócz tytułu. Encyklopedia muzyki podaje ten utwór jako przykład współczesny nawiązania do bluesowo-jazzowej techniki riffu, ale definiuje ją w zupełnie inny sposób, nie wiem czy to nie jakieś nieporozumienie...
Pomysły z tej kompozycji pojawiają się w kompozychach Pana Kilara do najbliższych mi 3 polskich filmach kryminalnych. Głównie myślę o "Zbrodniarzu, który ukradł zbrodnię" Majewskiego i "Morderca zostawia ślad" Ścibora-Rylskiego. Nigdy tak na to nie patrzyłem, ale polska awangarda mogła wtedy się wykazać na polu muzyki ilustracyjnej. Też Panowie Lutosławski czy Konieczny. Może to im dobrze robiło, bo pozwoliło na duży witalizm i energię tego ruchu, który na bieżąco utrzymywał kontakt z widownią, nie tylko festiwalową.
Wydaje mi się, że podobnego doświadczenia mogli chcieć zaznać Mazzoll, czy Trzaska piszący użyteczny yass do filmów nowego wieku.
Witold Lutosławski:Velencei Játékok
1.rész 00:00
2.rész 03:06
3.rész 05:05
4.rész 08:19
Lengyel Nemzeti Rádió Szimfonikus Zenekara
Vezényel:Antoni Wit
Muzyka niewątpliwie trudna do odsłuchania ale nazwisko Autora wiele tu wyjaśnia.
Bad luck brought me here.
3:22 - 3:29 The Whistler Soundtrack: 5 - Drowning misery
I'm i the only one here because of the caretaker?
How is this related to eateot
What's the painting used?
holy shit this is from the shining
1:59, 3:04 spooky
Danny! I’m coming!! I’m coming Dan!
3:22 scary
The new music Tonal Scale is as thus: 12 7 5 2 3 : 1 4 5 9 14
Not 12 with 7 & 5 BUT 14 with 9 & 5 [2^(1/14)]

These are the Tonal Scales growing from f (by cycles of fifths):
All Scales build from the first mode: equivalent to Lydian f
White keys are = & Black keys are |
12 with 7 & 5 [2^(1/12)] =|=|=|==|=|= {1,8,3,10,5,12,7,2,9,4,11,6} 1thru7are= 8thru12are|
7 with 5 & 2 [2^(1/7)] ===|==| {1,3,5,7,2,4,6} 1thru5are= 6&7are|
5 with 2 & 3 [2^(1/5)] =||=| {1,3,5,2,4} 1&2are= 3thru5are|
Now evolving up the other end
5 with 4 & 1 [2^(1/5)] ==|== {1,3,5,2,4} 1thru4are= 5is|
9 with 5 & 4 [2^(1/9)] =|=|=|==| {1,8,3,7,5,9,2,4,6} 1thru5are= 6thru9are|
14 with 9 & 5 [2^(1/14)] =|=|===|=|===| {1,12,3,14,5,7,9,11,2,13,4,6,8,10} 1thru9are= 10thru14are|

Joseph Yasser is the actual originator of the realization,
that scales develop by cycles of fifths.
The chromatic scale we use today is divided by 2^(1/12) twelfth root of two
Instead of moving to the next higher: the 19 tone scale 2^(1/19) nineteenth root of two
I decided to go all the way down and back up the other end:
So 12 - 7 = 5 & 7 - 5 = 2 & 5 - 2 = 3
Now we enter to the other side:
2 - 3 = -1 & 3 - -1 = 4 & -1 - 4 = -5 & 4 - -5 = 9 & -5 - 9 = -14
ignoring the negatives we have 1 4 5 9 14
Just follow the cycles how each scale is weaved together, as shown above.
Each scale has its own division within the frequency doubling,
therefore the 14 tones scale is 2^(1/14) fourteenth root of two
Bruh where headphones and listen
Little pigs! Little pigs! Let me come in!
"Heeere's Johnny!"