Hikaru Sazanami is a stunning album by Makoto Kitayama, released under the Shingetsu Project label. The album features an eclectic mix of traditional Japanese music and contemporary electronic beats. The album is a beautiful combination of old and new, and is a unique listening experience.
The album features a variety of instruments, including the koto, shamisen, and taiko drums, which are blended seamlessly with electronic sounds. The result is a mesmerizing and hypnotic sound that transports the listener to another world.
The album is beautifully produced, with each track expertly crafted to showcase the unique sound of each instrument. The album is a true work of art, and is a must-listen for anyone interested in traditional Japanese music, or electronic music.
Hikaru Sazanami is a stunning album that showcases the talents of Makoto Kitayama and the Shingetsu Project. The album is a beautiful blend of old and new, and is a unique listening experience that will transport you to another world. Highly recommended.